Dosan Park ~ Sinsa Station Sageori
Sinsa-dong Garosu-gil, the trendiest and hippest place in Seoul where fashionistas consider their it-place, is famous for “antenna shops,” flagship stores and SPA shops lined along the main two-way ginkgo tree-lined road. As trendy as it is, many designer pop-up stores showcase various design collaborations with famous Korean celebrities, such as BTS and Kang Daniel.
The main road, which is packed with beauty and fashion stores, is not only a great place for shopping, but also a place where people can sit at one of the many terraced coffee shops and enjoy the atmosphere day and night.
The many Serosu-gil alleys that extend along both sides of the main street are dotted with inviting cafés, restaurants, editorial shops, and cozy pubs frequented by designers and artists. From the botanical garden-themed brunch café that Super Junior’s Eunhyuk visited, to the retro restaurant where Oh My Girl’s Arin ate sesame leaf tteokbokki, the handbag museum that offers workshop programs, and the self-photo studio where even celebrities visit, Garosu-gil is filled with fun and attractive things and places to go.

Enjoy GANGNAM K...

These milestones are symbols of t...


A ZONE   Dosan Park ~ Sins...
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